javascript closure(闭包)的一个示例

By | March 6, 2009

今天一个同事看到John Resig 的Pro JavaScript Techniques这本书上的37页上有一段关于闭包的javascript代码,怎么调试都运行不正确,于是和他一起研究了一下,代码是这样的:


// Create a new user object that accepts an object of properties
function User( properties ) {
// Iterate through the properties of the object, and make sure
// that it's properly scoped (as discussed previously)
for ( var i in properties ) {
        //using this here is wrong 这里用this是错误的,因为这时this的作用域是匿名函数的
        // Create a new getter for the property
        this[ "get" + i ] = function() {
            return properties[i];
        // Create a new setter for the property
        this[ "set" + i ] = function(val) {
            properties[i] = val;
    })(); }
// Create a new user object instance and pass in an object of
// properties to seed it with
var user = new User({
    name: "Bob",
    age: 44
// Just note that the name property does not exist, as it's private
// within the properties object
alert( == null );
// However, we're able to access its value using the new getname()
// method, that was dynamically generated
alert( user.getname() == "Bob" );
// Finally, we can see that it's possible to set and get the age using
// the newly generated functions
user.setage( 22 );
alert( user.getage() == 22 );    



function User( properties ) {
    var objthis = this;
    for ( var i in properties ) {
                //在闭包内,t每次都是新的,而 properties[i] 的值是for里面的
                var t = properties[i];
                objthis[ "get" + i ] = function() {return t;};
                objthis[ "set" + i ] = function(val) {t = val;};

var user = new User({
    name: "Bob",
    age: 44

alert( user.getname());
alert( user.getage());

alert( user.getname());
alert( user.getage());

user.setage( 22 );
alert( user.getname());
alert( user.getage());    

这样,代码就是按预想的执行了。 希望对闭包的理解有所帮助。