A customer needs to know whether the names of the users contain some invalid characters, like tab characters.
This is the code of a function which validates a string in sql:
CREATE FUNCTION IsNameValid( @Name NVARCHAR(100) ) RETURNS BIT BEGIN SELECT @Name = RTRIM(ltrim(@Name)) IF(@name IS null) OR (@Name = '') RETURN 1 DECLARE @len AS INT DECLARE @index AS INT DECLARE @ascii AS int SELECT @len = LEN(@Name),@index = 1 WHILE(@index <= @len) BEGIN SELECT @ascii = ASCII(substring(@Name,@index,1)) IF ((@ascii BETWEEN 65 AND 90) OR (@ascii BETWEEN 97 AND 122) OR (@ascii BETWEEN 193 AND 252) OR (@ascii = 32) OR (@ascii = 45) OR (@ascii = 46) OR (@ascii BETWEEN 48 AND 57) ) begin SELECT @index = @index + 1 CONTINUE end ELSE RETURN 0 END RETURN 1 END
--select invalid users SELECT * FROM [User] WHERE dbo.IsNameValid([FirstName]) = 0 OR dbo.IsNameValid([LastName]) = 0