Category Archives: docker

Docker Proxy Configuration

There are a lot of places to configure the proxy for Docker. Two major scenarios: If you want to configure the proxy for the containers (like apt install inside container), you need to config in ~/.docker/config.json. If you want to use proxy for Docker itself, like docker pull , configure the systemd: Or edit… Read More »

Docker Image Cleanup

Here is a bash script to cleanup images on a build server: #!/bin/bash sudo docker image rm -f $(sudo docker image ls | grep ‘your_image_name’ | awk ‘{ print $3 }’) sudo docker images -q -f dangling=true | xargs -r sudo docker rmi -f Hope it helps. 🙂

Display Azure Container Registry as Table

The docker image display of Azure Container Registry is horrible: From the Azure UI, you don’t know the relation of each tag and time. So I wrote a shell script to display it in a table using Azure Cli: The result will be like this: Much nicer. 🙂